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Can I add a return link to the Countdown Page?

You sure can! Here's how:

Find the subroutine which looks like:

   sub html_trailer {
      print "<hr>\n";
      print "It is currently $current_date\n";
      print "</center>\n";
      print "</body></html>\n";

Now, if you wanted to add a link to Matt's Script Archive, you would edi this to look like:

   sub html_trailer {
      print "<hr>\n";
      print "It is currently $current_date\n";
      print "</center><hr>\n";
      print "<a href=\"http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts\">
             Matt's Script Archive</a>\n";
      print "</body></html>\n";

Notice that the quotes (") surrounding the URL have backslashes (\) in front of them. This is because you need to escape these characters when they are inside of a print ""; statement.

Obviously it should be very easy to figure out how to change this to fit whatever URL link you wish to include.

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